Infinity Subscription Donations.NitroSRV is a growing server that is dedicated in bringing back the great experience we once had in the old days of Pre-CU We encourage feedback and suggestions from the community to help make the server more enjoyable.

Our team invest significant time, energy and money into the overall operations of Infinity. All while creating new content based on canon for end-game enjoyment. No admin abuse, no corruption, no dev rage-quits, and no preferential treatment. Passionate Decorators Dozens of player properties to visit and admire the decorative skills of many. Sporadic Events Events at various times to suit players from all time zones.

Decorate More rotational commands to customise your houses, cantinas, bunkers and cities until your hearts content! Galaxy Harvester Integration Resource information is automatically uploaded every hours into Galaxy Harvester. We want to keep the originality of SWG but develop the weakest areas so they are viable and fun to play. Introduce yourself, view active development status, report bugs and discuss! Which side will you choose? More rotational commands to customise your houses, cantinas, bunkers and cities until your hearts content!

Support the Rebellion to defeat the Empire, or work with the Empire to take over the Galaxy.